A couple of months ago Amy and I decided to purchase a camera. Well, this had been a long "searching" process, only to end with a trip to Circuit City as they were going out of business. We bought a camera for an incredible deal, but it was a floor model. We thought everything would be fine though. Long story short, we've spent long amounts of time on the phone with different representatives from Panasonic each phone call. I'm sure you've been there: you have to call the company, only to hear an automated voice answer the phone. She said, "I'm an automated voice, you can speak naturally to me. How can I help you." I said, "This dumb camera of yours doesn't work right, the battery is wrong, and I need to speak to someone for help with this." She responds with, "Ok, I'm transferring you to shipping." Needless to say, I'm not a fan of talking to a computer that's trying to understand my concerns.
Skip ahead a month or two, and we now are in the process of finally receiving a new battery, have just downloaded the software to convert our HD video camera files to the computer! Hooray! At last, we will be able to use our camera... So we took some new video footage of Barkley shaking hands and performing his "tricks."