Things have really gotten rolling with youth ministry and getting established at the church. We've had several very successful events, and had two weeks of "regular" youth rally and had about 60-70 both times. Jon is enjoying the church and the challenge of starting from scratch with meeting a new group of students and establishing a routine here. As mentioned earlier, he is also helping coach a YMCA soccer team of 7th and 8th grade boys and is able to meet and connect with students outside of the church that way. He also is like another neighbor kid in our apartment complex and plays with the kids outside (along with Barkley) often during the week.
Carter is still doing great, growing, and doing new things each day. We have enjoyed all of his smiling, cooing and baby talk :). He is able to sit up in his bumbo chair, and can sit on laps without much support. He is sleeping through the night almost every night, which is wonderful! He's such a happy and content baby most of the time. We enjoy pretty frequent visits from family members. Grandma Bardlsey (G.G.) is up here right now for a visit and is loving getting to spend time with Carter and see all of his tricks :).
I am in the count down of days until my school starts back up November 29th. I have been trying to establish a clinical site and find a preceptor which has been a challenge so far, just as it was expected. I am applying to a program to hopefully get my site set up. I'm not really looking forward to getting back into it, I know it is going to take a lot of time and work... but for as much work as I've already done it really should be considered the home stretch of my program. I am enjoying my days at home with Carter, especially when I think they will be a little fewer in the near future.
Well, I'll post more later... we are at McDonalds on the free wi-fi :)