Monday, April 6, 2009

-from amy-

Well, hello blog readers (if there are any?). I have felt pretty bad over the last few months about our lack of updating, but not badly enough to do anything about it till just now. I am always intimidated by these people who update their blogs on a daily basis and have all these wonderful and profound things to say. I have never been much of a philosopher or anything so I figured I'd just do the day-to-day life type updates. So here it goes:

Well, today is April 6, and we woke up to a blanketing of snow. What the heck?!? We are supposed to be planting our garden this week- which I am very excited and nervous about. You would think it is a low-key hobby of sorts, and I've been stressed out about the dumb thing. I am worried about where we should put it, when to plant stuff, if we are going to kill the plants or have a crop, if the neighbors are going to get mad about it, if it will get enough sun in it's location, which kinds of plants to get.... etc. Lame. I trust that Jon knows what he is doing and we will just be able to enjoy it. So who knows, we might get in tilled this week and start the process or we might have to wait for it to get a little warmer. I tried to post this picture and couldn't figure out how to flip it over once it was on here, so you'll have have to tilt your head. I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out!

Speaking of WARMER, we are going to Florida for our spring break in 6 days!!! I don't think I have ever anticipated a vacation this much in my entire life, and I'm thinking it's largely due to the fact that I am now a working woman who is taking a vacation as opposed to a student who is granted several weeks of vacation in the middle of a school year. I am just so excited! We are leaving next Sunday after the Easter activities at our church (leaving around noon) and hopping in the car and driving 18 hours down to Orlando (area) to visit my grandparents and to have spring break with the fam. We were originally going to take Barkley with us, but we just kept thinking we would have to babysit him the whole time and wouldn't be able to enjoy ourselves. So we decided to get a d0g-sitter for the week. I work two more days this week and then I'm off for 13 days and couldn't be more excited!

So what else is going on in our lives... Well things are going really well at the church. We had a scavenger hunt with the youth group on Saturday which was a lot of fun. We are seeing a lot of growth in the teens and that has been neat to watch. We are regularly running 50-60 a week at youth group. Jon is doing such a great job. We had a teen-takeover service last Sunday night and adults in the church were so encouraging and complementary of the work Jon is doing and how excited they are to see the teens being involved. It was really neat. Things at work are going well for me too. I am really feeling more comfortable with ICU patients and the skills I've acquired. I had a really rough time last week with a patient that passed away, having spent my whole week with him and his family members, but I am seeing that my job as a nurse really is a ministry and an opportunity to share Christ's love with people. Here is me after I get home from work every single day.

Well I don't have a ton else to say for now, just wanted to let people know we are alive and well here in Warsaw, and we will post pictures and updates from our va-ca!


Erica Ragen said...

Hi Amy! I just ran across your blog address on Facebook and thought I would check it out! You have such an adorable little family and it's great to see you are doing well! My sister has a blog on this same website so I'll have to check in with you every now and then! Take care!
~Erica M.

Algae said...

Hey Amy...
Welcome to the blogosphere! Don't worry about keeping up with the blog addicts. I tried to be one and I'm now in detox. (Actually, I just lied - I just started my second blog) Plus if you take yourself too seriously, well, you simply lose your sense of humor. And we can't have THAT now, can we? You look great, even when you are asleep. I will always remember you as one of the most beautiful people I have ever known - and I don't just mean your face, either. You are a beautiful person INSIDE, and that's what counts the most. So, does Jon have a blog yet? I'd love to catch up with him and check out what he's doing. Catch my blogs at: and

May God continually bless you and your hubby! Oh, and your doggie, too!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing about what's going on in you and Jonathan's lives! And, as it turns out, Ryan and I might be moving up near you guys as Notre Dame is in the final two picks for a law school to attend in August, that's not too far from you all so maybe we could get together periodically. But who knows, we might not end up in Indiana at all. Keep up the blogging..especially pictures of your absolutely adorable dog :-)


bethany said...

Amy! Great work! Very nice blog post! You want to see how up-to-date I am on the blog?? Check this'll be jealous

See you Thursday!